This knitted hoodie is made from Chenille yarn, constructed with a mix of wool, nylon and Brewed Protein™ fibers, a next-generation innovative structural protein materials that are regarded as a new solution to numerous pressing environmental issues and risks. It has a characteristic fleece-like fluffy texture to it. The silhouette is modern and the fit is relaxed, making it a comfortable garment to wear. The sleeves and hem feature a sporty ribbed pattern to improve thermal performance.
次世代の革新的な構造タンパク質素材「Brewed Protein™(ブリュード・プロテイン™)繊維」を用いた毛羽のあるモール糸で編みたてたニットフーディ。フリースのような柔らかな起毛感が特徴的です。シルエットはモダンなリラックスフィットで、着心地も快適な仕上がり。袖口と裾には、保温性を向上させるスポーティーなリブのデザインを採用しています。